Centre for Sport and Human Rights

shallow focus photo of people playing track and field

Our Pledge on the 75th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights

In honor of the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the Sport & Rights Alliance pledges our utmost support for human rights – and commits to continue the work toward freedom, equality and justice for all. As the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights says, “Pledging is both […]

World Players Association Calls For Embedding Fundamental Labour Standards Across Sport At UN Conference

This week, the World Players Association (WPA) represented the player association movement at UNESCO’s MINEPS VII Global Sport Conference. The meeting in Baku, Azerbaijan, brought together hundreds of representatives from sport ministries from around the world, along with other key stakeholders, including UN agencies, sport governing bodies, brands and civil society. In a session dedicated […]

Child Labour in Sport: Protecting the Rights of Child Athletes

This White Paper is focused specifically on the work of children in, or on the pathway to, elite (high- performance and professional) sport, and the experiences of children and the situations they may encounter that are analogous to child labour. Although children in high-performance and professional sport are not included in the current understanding and […]