ILGA World Conference: Sport & Rights Alliance Session on LGBTQI+ Inclusion in Sport


Thursday, November 14, 2024, 11:00 AM


Cape Town

Shifting Narratives: Trans, Gender-Diverse and Intersex Rights in, around and through Sports

At this year’s ILGA World Conference on November 14th at 11:00 am, the Sport & Rights Alliance, the Centre for Sport and Human Rights (CSHR), and ILGA World will host a special session on LGBTQI+ rights in sports, especially the inclusion of trans, gender-diverse, and intersex people. They will discuss how anti-rights movements have weaponised sport, and reflect on strategies that can be used by LGBTQI+ organisations and activists to not only push back against these attacks, but also advance rights in, around, and through sport.

In the last 5+ years, sport has increasingly become a battleground for achieving human rights for LGBTI athletes. Sport is an area in which trans, gender non-conforming and intersex athletes are often scapegoated by anti-gender actors through public campaigns and attacks. Due to this increasing focus on sport, this session seeks to address this weaponization of sport by anti-rights movements and discuss solutions for the challenges faced by trans, gender-diverse, and intersex people,

The right to participate in sport is fundamental right, which belongs to all. This session will highlight how and why this is the case, and discuss actionable strategies for advancing LGBTI rights within the sporting arena.

ILGA World Conference | Cape Town, South Africa

The ILGA World Conference is the largest global gathering of LGBTIQ changemakers. ILGA World has held them since the early days of the organisation in the 1970s, and they have been fundamental events for the movement ever since.

An ILGA World Conference is a chance to assess where communities stand, share experiences and best practices, build alliances and partnerships, discuss the future of our movement, and collectively chart ways to advance equality worldwide.

As the premier gathering for member organisations and allies, an ILGA World Conference is also where the life of the organisation is shaped. ILGA members elect their representatives, advance proposals and constitutional changes, and endorse new organisations to join the ILGA family.

ILGA World is queer democracy in action, and it all starts at the ILGA World Conference.

Upcoming Activities

Would be interested to join our international network of solidarity for people impacted by violence in the context of sports?

Dynamics of Abuse: Gender-Based Violence

Dynamics of Abuse: Gender-Based Violence

Online Workshop: Understanding the Risk Factors of Abuse in Sports The impact of interpersonal violence in sport is becoming widely known and recognized as rooted in power imbalances. Abuse in sports is often driven by patterns of power and control that disproportionately impact women and girls. The risks of experiencing gender-based violence in the context […]


Upcoming Activities

Would be interested to join our international network of solidarity for people impacted by violence in the context of sports?

Dynamics of Abuse: Gender-Based Violence

Dynamics of Abuse: Gender-Based Violence

Online Workshop: Understanding the Risk Factors of Abuse in Sports The impact of interpersonal violence in sport is becoming widely known and recognized as rooted in power imbalances. Abuse in sports is often driven by patterns of power and control that disproportionately impact women and girls. The risks of experiencing gender-based violence in the context […]


Join the Network

Sport has the potential to be a catalyst for human development, unity, and freedom, but too often it instead brings harm to its athletes, fans, and communities. We exist to uncover and rectify the many abuses that exist both in and around sport. We aim to transform sports into an authentic force for good.