FIFA: Letter Seeking Update on Safe Sport Entity Status and Timeline

FIFA Should Provide Transparency on Status, Funding & Timeline

(Nyon, Switzerland, July 19, 2023) – FIFA should urgently provide transparent and detailed information on its plans for an Independent Global Safe Sport Entity to address systemic sexual, emotional and physical abuse in sport and provide remedy and support to victims and survivors, the Sport & Rights Alliance (SRA) said today. In a letter to FIFA President Gianni Infantino, the SRA stated that FIFA’s recent actions have caused concern by making vague, public calls for global unity while neglecting stakeholder communication.

The consultation process for this Entity began in 2021 and included the creation of an Interim Steering Group (ISG), four thematic Expert Groups and an Athlete Survivor Advisory Group (ASAG). The process required significant time and resources from over 40 expert stakeholders – especially for survivors who endured great emotional burden and the risk of retraumatization to share their stories and feedback with FIFA. Given the extensive time, resources and dedication contributed in consultation by survivors and other stakeholders for nearly three years, the SRA is asking FIFA for transparent and detailed information on the status, funding strategy and timeline for its Safe Sport Entity.

FIFA must take the required steps to fulfill its responsibility to respect the human rights of athletes and provide access to remedy when those rights have been violated in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and as documented through our previous correspondence on the Safe Sport Entity, attached below.*

Full Letter to FIFA President Gianni Infantino:

Previous Correspondence to FIFA re Safe Sport Entity:

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Sport has the potential to be a catalyst for human development, unity, and freedom, but too often it instead brings harm to its athletes, fans, and communities. We exist to uncover and rectify the many abuses that exist both in and around sport. We aim to transform sports into an authentic force for good.