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10 Questions Journalists Should Ask FIFA and Qatari Authorities About Rights Abuses

10 Questions Journalists Should Ask FIFA and Qatari Authorities About Rights Abuses

When FIFA convenes its 72nd Congress in Doha, Qatar, on March 31, 2022, in preparation for the World Cup, journalists, football associations, fans, and others should press both FIFA officials and Qatari authorities about human rights in the Gulf state, particularly the rights of migrant workers, women, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. Since 2010, […]


Qatar: Security guards subjected to forced labour

Security guards in Qatar are working in conditions which amount to forced labour, including on projects linked to the 2022 FIFA World Cup, Amnesty International has found. In a new report, They think that we’re machines, the organization documented the experiences of 34 current or former employees of eight private security companies in Qatar.     The security guards, all migrant […]


Iran: Women Blocked From Entering Stadium

Possible Use of Excessive Force; FIFA Should Enforce Call to End Discriminatory Ban (Beirut) – Iranian authorities prevented dozens of Iranian women from entering Imam Reza football stadium in the city of Mashhad on March 29, 2022, possibly using excessive force, Human Rights Watch said today. FIFA should use its leverage with Iranian authorities to demand that […]


Qatar: One Year to Make Good on Promises to Migrant Workers as Progress Stagnates

With just one year to go until the 2022 FIFA World Cup, time is running out for Qatar to deliver on its promise to abolish the kafala sponsorship system and better protect migrant workers, Amnesty International said today. In Reality Check 2021, a new analysis of Qatar’s progress towards overhauling its labour system, the organization found that progress has […]


Qatar: Failure to Investigate Migrant Worker Deaths Leaves Families in Despair

Qatar: Failure to Investigate Migrant Worker Deaths Leaves Families in Despair

Qatari authorities have failed to investigate the deaths of thousands of migrant workers over the past decade, despite evidence of links between premature deaths and unsafe working conditions, Amnesty International said today. The organization’s new report, In the Prime of their Lives, documents how Qatar routinely issues death certificates for migrant workers without conducting adequate investigations, instead attributing deaths to “natural causes” […]


World Players United

World Players United

#WorldPlayersUnited is the strategic vision of the World Players Association. It introduces the organised and highly respected voice of the players and their organisations to the leadership of world sport. In so doing, it envisages a future world of sport that is very different to the one that exists today. #WorldPlayersUnited has, as its centrepiece, the advancement […]


The Economics of International Sport Governing Bodies

The Economics of International Sport Governing Bodies

The World Player’s report, the Economics of International Sport Governing Bodies, analyses the most up-to-date financial information from major sports bodies and compares it to the earnings of athletes. In this 3rd edition, the report shows that athletes and players continue to be denied a fair share of the wealth they generate and are excluded from the […]


China: FIFA Broke Own Rules for Club World Cup

China: FIFA Broke Own Rules for Club World Cup

FIFA Sidelines Human Rights, Keeps Beijing Hosting Arrangements Secret (New York) – FIFA’s surprise selection of China to host the 2021 Club World Cup disregarded its own human rights commitments in the bidding process, Human Rights Watch said today, releasing correspondence with the global football governing body.  In March 2019, FIFA abolished the Confederations Cup and used the available slot in the calendar […]


Qatar Dismantles Kafala System of Modern Slavery

Qatar Dismantles Kafala System of Modern Slavery

Qatar’s programme of labour reforms today succeeded in dismantling the kafala system and heralding a modern industrial relations system. Exit visas for workers – including domestic workers, those in government and public institutions, and workers employed at sea, in agriculture as well as casual workers – have been eliminated. These workers have the same rights […]


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