The Economics of International Sport Governing Bodies

The World Player’s report, the Economics of International Sport Governing Bodiesanalyses the most up-to-date financial information from major sports bodies and compares it to the earnings of athletes. In this 3rd edition, the report shows that athletes and players continue to be denied a fair share of the wealth they generate and are excluded from the decision-making table.

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Episode 2: “Behind the Statistics”

Understanding the data on abuse in sports Watch the second episode of our three-part series exploring scientific data on violence in sports: “Behind the Statistics.” In this video, we dive into prevalence studies and associated factors that put some groups of athletes at higher risk. Led by Dr Aurelie Pankowiak, postdoctoral researcher at the Institute […]


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“I know for whom I’m fighting every day.”

“I know for whom I’m fighting every day.”

Recap: Advocacy Tools & Strategies for Advancing the Rights of Impacted People On October 24th, the Athletes Network for Safer Sports held its third capacity-building online workshop on advocacy skills and strategies for impacted athletes and allies. Moderated by Joanna Maranhão and joined by over 30 participants, the discussion centered on our panelists’ experiences advocating […]


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Sport has the potential to be a catalyst for human development, unity, and freedom, but too often it instead brings harm to its athletes, fans, and communities. We exist to uncover and rectify the many abuses that exist both in and around sport. We aim to transform sports into an authentic force for good.