#WorldPlayersUnited is the strategic vision of the World Players Association. It introduces the organised and highly respected voice of the players and their organisations to the leadership of world sport.
In so doing, it envisages a future world of sport that is very different to the one that exists today.
#WorldPlayersUnited has, as its centrepiece, the advancement of the rights of the players at the global level. This requires building the strength of the player association movement throughout the world, and working to ensure that the human rights of everyone involved in the delivery of sport are protected, respected and upheld.
World Players has developed a living Platform consisting of important decisions and substantial policy work. The Platform calls for substantive, cultural and institutional change to the governance of global sport.
The future world of sport will therefore be underpinned by adherence to universal principles and international law.
Fundamental player rights will be embedded in sport at the global level. These are the foundational rights upon which the work of player associations can be built.
The rights of players will be powerfully advocated and advanced by being organised into player associations which have enhanced expertise, player control and independence.
International sporting bodies will respect human rights, and join forces with sport’s many global stakeholders – including the United Nations and its agencies, governments, brands, broadcasters, NGOs, the trade union movement and, of course, the World Players Association – to embed the human rights of all in international sport.
The players are at the centre of #WorldPlayersUnited
85,000 players united through over 100 player associations in more than 60 countries including FIFPro, FICA, IRPA, EU Athletes, NFLPA, NBPA, NHLPA, WNBPA, JPBPA and AAA.
The vision of the World Players Association is:
To champion the dignity of the player and the humanity of sport.
As the world players association across professional sport, World Players has a three-part goal in the pursuit of this vision. First, the human rights of everyone involved in the delivery of sport must be protected, respected and, where needed, upheld. Second, the same must be true for the players. Third, the impact of sport must be positive, including in sporting, economic, environmental and cultural terms.
Three overarching principles guide the work and decision-making of the World Players Association.
First, World Players believes in the dignity of the player. This means:
- all players are free to negotiate the terms upon which they are involved in sport, and to be represented by persons of their choosing in those negotiations
- developing the full potential of the players as outstanding people, professionals and citizens
- promoting and protecting the good name, image, reputation and performance of the players
- safeguarding long-term player health, safety, security and social wellbeing
- upholding the rights and responsibilities of the players of the world, including the application of international human rights and labour standards and the enforcement of the fundamental rights of players at work, which should prevail over any specific sports law or regulation.
Second, World Players believes in the humanity of sport. This means:
- championing the practice and pursuit of sport as a human right
- sport protecting, respecting and upholding fundamental human rights
- sport working in partnership with the players to be a force for good
- promoting the highest standards of governance and accountability in sport
- protecting the integrity and good standing of sport from threats such as racism, discrimination, violence, anti-competitive behaviour, self-interest, corruption, match manipulation and doping.
Third, World Players believes in organising. This means:
- ensuring the voice of the players is heeded in the leadership of sport, especially through collective bargaining
- being a democratic player driven organisation that acts on the mandate of our affiliated player associations
- acting with unity and solidarity. Players who are members of a player association in one country or sport can rely on the support and solidarity of World Players and our affiliated player associations
- educating, engaging and empowering the players to work for the betterment of their profession, sport and humanity
- taking a knowledge and evidence based approach
- taking a world perspective.