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Belarus: Once a Showcase of the Country’s Success, Sport is Now a Battleground for Reprisals

Once national heroes, many Belarusian athletes have sacrificed their careers and their freedom by daring to speak out against human rights violations in their country, Amnesty International said today in a new briefing, part of the organization’s #StandWithBelarus campaign. Earlier today Belarusian Olympic athlete Krystsina Tsimanouskaya asked for asylum at the Polish embassy in Tokyo after the Belarusian authorities tried to forcibly return her to […]


Letter: Investigation on Sexual Abuse Allegation in Mali Basketball

Mr. Andreas ZagklisSecretary GeneralFédération Internationale de Basketball (FIBA) July 29, 2021 Re: Investigation on Sexual Abuse Allegation in Mali Basketball Dear Mr. Zagklis, The Sport & Rights Alliance (SRA) is a global coalition committed to embedding human rights and anti-corruption in world sport. We serve as a force multiplier for civil society groups and trade […]


Portrait of Strength: Eighty-four survivors came together at Michigan’s Supreme Court Building, also known as the Hall of Justice.

The Army of Survivors Statement on U.S. DOJ’s Investigation and Review of the FBI’s Handling of Allegations of Sexual Abuse by Former USA Gymnastics Physician

Content warning: Mention of abusers’ names and sexual violence. Okemos, Michigan (July 14, 2021) — Following initial review of Wednesday’s report from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) on its investigation into the FBI’s handling of allegations of sexual abuse by former USA Gymnastics phycisian Larry Nassar, The Army of […]


Japan: Olympics Should Benefit Human Rights

Address Abuse of Child Athletes, LGBT Discrimination, Gender Gap (Tokyo) – Japan should address serious rights issues in the country as host of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, Human Rights Watch said today in a new reporters’ guide. The Tokyo 2020 Summer Games, which start on July 23, 2021, are advertised as celebrating “unity in diversity” and […]


Mali: Basketball Federation Covers Up Sexual Assault of Girls

Mali: Basketball Federation Covers Up Sexual Assault of Girls

(June 14, 2021) – Players from Mali’s Under-18 girls’ national basketball team have reported sexual abuse by the head coach, but the Mali Basketball Federation has failed to act on their reports, Human Rights Watch said today. Malian law enforcement should credibly and impartially investigate the allegations and protect those who reported the abuse from retaliation. Amadou Bamba, […]


European soccer association UEFA denies accreditations to at least 6 journalists, citing failed background checks by Russia and Azerbaijan

European soccer association UEFA denies accreditations to at least 6 journalists, citing failed background checks by Russia and Azerbaijan

New York, June 15, 2021 – The Union of European Football Associations should ensure that all journalists can report from its events freely and without political interference from host countries, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Since late May, UEFA, an umbrella organization comprised of 55 national soccer associations across Europe, has denied or […]


World Players United

World Players United

#WorldPlayersUnited is the strategic vision of the World Players Association. It introduces the organised and highly respected voice of the players and their organisations to the leadership of world sport. In so doing, it envisages a future world of sport that is very different to the one that exists today. #WorldPlayersUnited has, as its centrepiece, the advancement […]


Belarus: Drop Charges Against Sports Group Founders

Belarus: Drop Charges Against Sports Group Founders

Sports Governing Bodies Should Call for an End to Criminalizing Athlete Rights Defenders (Nyon, Switzerland, 8 June, 2021) — The Belarusian authorities should immediately drop all criminal charges against Aliaksandra Herasimenia and Aliaksandr Apeikin, chair and executive director of the Belarusian Sport Solidarity Foundation (BSSF), the Sport & Rights Alliance said today. On April 6, 2021 […]


Tokyo Olympics: IOC Must Review COVID-19 Protocols with Players’ Unions and Experts

Tokyo Olympics: IOC Must Review COVID-19 Protocols with Players’ Unions and Experts

The ITUC is calling for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to fix the deeply flawed COVID-19 protocols it has published for the Tokyo Olympics, through engagement with sports players’ unions and pandemic experts. An article published on 25 May in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine reveals major deficits in the IOC plans, which expose athletes, workers, volunteers and […]


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