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FIFA – North America World Cup in 2026 a New Test for Human Rights

FIFA – North America World Cup in 2026 a New Test for Human Rights

FIFA’s award of the 2026 World Cup to the “United” bid of Canada, Mexico and the USA will provide a further test of FIFA’s human rights commitments, with the inclusion of mandatory human rights requirements, including labour standards, in the bidding process. FIFA delegates meeting in Russia on 13 June chose the United bid ahead […]


Iran: FIFA Called on to Enforce Human Rights and non-Discrimination Policy

Iran: FIFA Called on to Enforce Human Rights and non-Discrimination Policy

The International Trade Union Confederation, along with several union and civil society organisations, is calling on FIFA to ensure that its human rights policy is fully respected, and ensure that Iran ends its ban on women attending men’s football matches. The ITUC and the Building and Woodworkers’ International BWI, Human Rights Watch, the Centre for […]


Letter to FIFA President Infantino on the detention of Iranian women football fans

Re: Iranian women football fans and journalists detained outside Azadi Stadium Dear President Infantino, The Sport and Rights Alliance (SRA), a global coalition of NGOs and trade unions committed to embedding human rights and anti-corruption in world sport, is greatly disappointed by the events yesterday in Iran in which female football fans and sports reporters […]


World Players Association launches Universal Declaration of Player Rights

Today, the world’s leading player associations unveiled the Universal Declaration of Player Rights(the Declaration) to protect players from ongoing and systemic human rights violations in global sport. The Declaration, the first comprehensive articulation of athletes’ rights, sets a benchmark for international sporting organisations to meet their obligations to protect, respect and guarantee the fundamental rights of players.


Olympics: Revised Host City Contract to Include Human Rights

Olympics: Revised Host City Contract to Include Human Rights

The move by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to incorporate human rights principles in its Host City Contract in accordance with recommendations made by a coalition of rights, athletes’ and transparency organisations could help prevent major abuses by future Olympic hosts, the Sports and Rights Alliance said today. The revised Host City Contract was finalised […]


FIFA: Another Own Goal?

FIFA: Another Own Goal?

On 13 May at the first FIFA Congress since he was elected president of football’s world governing body, Gianni Infantino claimed FIFA was over its corruption crisis. He also announced the appointment of someone outside football as the new general secretary, Fatma Samba Diouf Samoura from Senegal, a former businesswoman who has worked in various senior posts at the […]


“For the Game. For the World.” FIFA and Human Rights

“For the Game. For the World.” FIFA and Human Rights

In December 2015, FIFA asked John G. Ruggie to develop recommendations on what it means for FIFA to embed respect for human rights across its global operations. The authoritative standard for doing so is the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (“UNGPs”), endorsed by the UN in June 2011, of which he […]


Global Corruption Report: Sport

Global Corruption Report: Sport

Sport is a global phenomenon engaging billions of people and generating annual revenues of more than US$145 billion. Problems in the governance of sports organisations, the fixing of matches and the staging of major sporting events have spurred action on many fronts. Attempts to stop corruption in sport, however, are still at an early stage. […]


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