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Letter: Investigation on Sexual Abuse Allegation in Mali Basketball

Mr. Andreas ZagklisSecretary GeneralFédération Internationale de Basketball (FIBA) July 29, 2021 Re: Investigation on Sexual Abuse Allegation in Mali Basketball Dear Mr. Zagklis, The Sport & Rights Alliance (SRA) is a global coalition committed to embedding human rights and anti-corruption in world sport. We serve as a force multiplier for civil society groups and trade […]


Portrait of Strength: Eighty-four survivors came together at Michigan’s Supreme Court Building, also known as the Hall of Justice.

The Army of Survivors Statement on U.S. DOJ’s Investigation and Review of the FBI’s Handling of Allegations of Sexual Abuse by Former USA Gymnastics Physician

Content warning: Mention of abusers’ names and sexual violence. Okemos, Michigan (July 14, 2021) — Following initial review of Wednesday’s report from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG) on its investigation into the FBI’s handling of allegations of sexual abuse by former USA Gymnastics phycisian Larry Nassar, The Army of […]


Haiti: End Sexual Abuse in Football

Haiti: End Sexual Abuse in Football

FIFA Should Ban Officials Who Exploit Children (New York) – The International Federation of Association Football (Fédération Internationale de Football Association, FIFA) should permanently ban Haitian Football Federation president Yves Jean-Bart from participating in football, Human Rights Watch said today. On October 15, 2020, FIFA announced that its investigative team completed its report on Jean-Bart, who is accused of raping and […]


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