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European Commission published high-level group’s recommendations to achieve gender equality in sport

European Commission published high-level group’s recommendations to achieve gender equality in sport

The high-level group on gender equality in sport, has put forward an action plan and recommendations to achieve a more equitable gender balance in sport. These have been addressed to the European Commission, EU Member States, national and international sports bodies as well as grassroots organisations. The high-level group was established by Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner […]


10 Questions Journalists Should Ask FIFA and Qatari Authorities About Rights Abuses

10 Questions Journalists Should Ask FIFA and Qatari Authorities About Rights Abuses

When FIFA convenes its 72nd Congress in Doha, Qatar, on March 31, 2022, in preparation for the World Cup, journalists, football associations, fans, and others should press both FIFA officials and Qatari authorities about human rights in the Gulf state, particularly the rights of migrant workers, women, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people. Since 2010, […]


Qatar: Security guards subjected to forced labour

Security guards in Qatar are working in conditions which amount to forced labour, including on projects linked to the 2022 FIFA World Cup, Amnesty International has found. In a new report, They think that we’re machines, the organization documented the experiences of 34 current or former employees of eight private security companies in Qatar.     The security guards, all migrant […]


Iranian Society Pushes for End to Stadium Ban

Iranian Society Pushes for End to Stadium Ban

Women Have a Right to Attend Sporting Events Iranian authorities once again prevented women and girls from entering a sports stadium. Iran’s football team played Lebanon in a FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 qualifying match in the city of Mashhad last week. But authorities prevented dozens of women who had reportedly purchased tickets for from entering the stadium. Additionally, […]


FSE & CSHR Launch Fans’ Human Rights Guide

FSE & CSHR Launch Fans’ Human Rights Guide

Like all people associated with sport, the human rights of fans should be upheld, and governments and institutions across the sports ecosystem, such as event organising committees, have responsibilities to protect and respect them. Promoting human rights is a job for everyone, and fans themselves also have responsibilities. Fans have a strong platform to contribute […]


Iran: Women Blocked From Entering Stadium

Possible Use of Excessive Force; FIFA Should Enforce Call to End Discriminatory Ban (Beirut) – Iranian authorities prevented dozens of Iranian women from entering Imam Reza football stadium in the city of Mashhad on March 29, 2022, possibly using excessive force, Human Rights Watch said today. FIFA should use its leverage with Iranian authorities to demand that […]


English Premier League: Urgently Adopt Human Rights Policy

English Premier League: Urgently Adopt Human Rights Policy

Reconsider Newcastle United Sale to Saudi Consortium; Scrutinize Chelsea Sale Bidders (London) – The English Premier League should immediately adopt and implement human rights policies that would prohibit governments implicated in grave human rights abuses from securing stakes in Premier League clubs to whitewash their reputations, Human Rights Watch said today. The ban should be extended to […]


Indiana Lawmakers are Making Life Worse for LGBTQ Youth

Indiana Lawmakers are Making Life Worse for LGBTQ Youth

This month, lawmakers in Indiana voted to advance a bill that would prohibit transgender girls from playing sports with other girls. This discriminatory and harmful bill quickly gained traction even though there doesn’t seem to be any issue in Indiana with transgender girls participating in athletics. Efforts to bar transgender girls from participating in school sports […]


World Players Association Statement on Global Sport’s Response to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

World Players Association Statement on Global Sport’s Response to Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine

Nyon, Switzerland, 28 February 2022 The World Players Association stands in solidarity with the Ukrainian people and athletes, player associations, civil society and peaceful people everywhere in unequivocally condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia’s actions represent not only an attack on a sovereign state, but on the fundamental values of the international community including human rights, […]


China: Censorship Mars Beijing Olympics

China: Censorship Mars Beijing Olympics

IOC, Sponsors’ Inaction Enables Restrictions on Athletes, Journalists (New York) – Chinese government censorship seriously marred the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, which close on February 20, 2022, Human Rights Watch said today. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) and corporate sponsors have not spoken out about the government’s human rights record or used their leverage to press for rights […]


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